Patch Testing Treatment in Bexley, Ohio, Doctor (Dermatologist) who Handles Patch Testing
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Patch Testing

A skin test used to identify the cause of an allergic reaction.

Acne Actinic Keratosis Angiomas and Hemangiomas Autoimmune Skin Diseases Basal Cell Carcinoma Biologics & Topical Medications Botox Chemical Peels Contact Dermatitis Crows Feet Dandruff Eczema (Atopic Dermatitis) Excisions & Biopsies Fungal Infections Genital Warts Hair Loss & Alopecia Herpes Herpes Zoster (Shingles) Hives (Urticaria) Impetigo Lines and Wrinkles Melanoma Mole Removal Nail Disorders Patch Testing Pediatric Dermatology Psoriasis Rashes Rosacea Scars Seborrheic Dermatitis Skin Cancer Skin Cancer Check Skin Infections Skin Tags Squamous Cell Carcinoma Superficial Radiotherapy (SRT) Vitiligo Warts Show More

What is it?

A patch test serves as a diagnostic method primarily used to detect allergic reactions or sensitivities to certain substances. If you're experiencing a rash or itchiness due to an allergic reaction - perhaps from the environment, air, or specific materials or substances - we suggest scheduling a visit to our practice for a patch test. Patch testing is different from a skin-prick test, which is used to identify immediate reactions. Skin allergies often take hours or days to manifest, so a patch test is designed to detect this particular kind of delayed response. Our dermatologists in Bexley, OH are well-versed in conducting this diagnostic procedure.

What to expect

Upon visiting our clinic, one of our dermatologists will walk you through a comprehensive explanation of the process. Then, minuscule quantities of allergens — the cause of your reaction — will be applied on your skin, and we'll secure each with a patch. These patches will stay on your skin for a period of 48 hours. They may trigger itchiness and unease, but tampering with them by either removing, dampening or loosening them will result in inaccurate outcomes.

After the 48 hours have elapsed, we'll invite you back to our office to remove the patches and examine the skin beneath. This exam is how we identify the trigger of your reaction. Based on your trigger, we formulate a treatment strategy that may encompass oral or topical medication(s), an antihistamine, a decongestant, eye drops or nasal corticosteroids. 

If you suspect that you're suffering from allergic skin reactions, the team at Bexley Dermatology is available to assist you throughout the entire process. Schedule your appointment with one of our board-certified dermatologists to effectively manage your allergic reactions.

We would love to get started on a solution that perfectly fits your needs.