What is it?
Psoriasis is an immune-mediated skin condition that results in skin cells multiplying at a faster rate than usual, leading to inflammation. It's important to note that it's not contagious and can't be passed from one individual to another. Most people living with psoriasis have red, inflamed patches of skin covered in dense, silver-white scales. These patches are typically itchy and might create a sense of burning or tenderness. Dryness in the skin around these patches is common, and sometimes the skin can crack and bleed. In many cases, stiff, swollen joints are also a common symptom.
The severity of symptoms can vary and undergo cycles that can persist for several days to even weeks. Psoriasis is typically a chronic condition. Our highly skilled dermatologists provide effective treatment for psoriasis across a range of skin types from our easy-to-access office in Bexley, Ohio.
How is it treated?
While no definitive cure exists, our board-certified skin specialists can manage your psoriasis through the use of topical treatments like corticosteroids and oral retinoids, helping keep symptoms under control. Depending on your condition, we might also suggest therapies such as salicylic acid, coal tar, retinoids, or even something as straightforward as aloe vera. In certain circumstances, we may advocate for and administer light/phototherapy to alleviate symptoms. For more serious cases, our medical practice can prescribe oral or injectable medications that assist in suppressing your immune system. Our dermatologists at Bexley Dermatolgy are committed to providing the best care possible.