The skin, our body's most expansive organ, has numerous layers. Skin cancer originates in the epidermis, consisting of squamous cells (top layer), which can then penetrate deeper into the basal cells (beneath squamous cells) and melanocytes (cells that color the skin).
Skin cancer can affect anyone and can manifest anywhere on the body, particularly on skin regions that have been excessively exposed to ultraviolet light, such as sunlight, tanning beds, and sun lamps. Bexley Dermatology boasts a team of professionals adept at treating skin cancer across all skin hues and textures.
It's crucial to monitor any new or evolving spots or bumps on your skin that vary in shape, color, size, or texture. If you find any areas on your skin that itch, bleed, crust, or ooze, or if you observe any unusual or suspect marks on your skin, don't hesitate to contact us and schedule an appointment for a detailed assessment. Remember, it's your skin, and it's your job to defend it.
In addition to your yearly skin inspection with a board-certified provider at our medical practice, we recommend regular self-checks using the ABCDE method. Seek immediate consultation with a dermatologist if a spot or mole exhibits:
A - An asymmetrical form
B - Borders that are inconsistent
C - Colors that differ in various parts
D - Diameter larger than that of a pencil eraser
E - Evolving size, shape, or color since the last exam
You can lessen your chances of developing skin cancer by reducing your exposure to the sun and safeguarding your skin from UV rays. It's important to remember that while the sun can be enjoyable, it can also be dangerous. Sun damage can accumulate all year round in Bexley, OH - even during the frigid winter months. We recommend using sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher and limiting your exposure to harmful rays.
Our board-certified providers will conduct a thorough examination of the affected region of your skin to determine the presence of skin cancer. If the area appears to potentially be cancerous, we will take a small skin sample for further analysis. By performing this skin biopsy, we can send your tissue to our pathology lab. Our lab is fully recognized by the College of American Pathologists, ensuring it meets the highest benchmarks for precision and quality.
Our lab will microscopically diagnose if your tissue is benign (normal, non-cancerous) or malignant (cancerous). Should it be cancerous, our team will identify the specific type of cancer and formulate a tailored treatment plan. Bexley Dermatology is experienced in diagnosing and treating a wide range of skin cancers, covering basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, melanoma, Merkel cell carcinoma, dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans (DFSP), and sebaceous cell carcinoma.
Our cancer specialists are not only trained in diverse skin cancer treatments, but as part of DOCS Dermatology, we also have access to innovative clinical trials for cancers that are less responsive to conventional treatment.
Remember: Early detection has a big impact on the effectiveness of your treatment.